App not Displaying


We have a custom Next.js app we’ve developed which has recently stopped launching on the brain. From journalctl we know it’s running and it’s accessible from an external browser at the port we specified in our manifest.json (port 3000). Any thoughts on what the issue might be? The app is listed in the launcher but clicking its button doesn’t bring the GUI up.

  "services": {
    "lrc-app": {
      "name": "lrc-app",
      "type": "app",
      "exec_cmd": "/mnt/managed_home/farm-ng-user-********/lrc-app/apps/runner-cutter-app/scripts/",
      "app_route": "3000",
      "display_name": "LRC",
      "autostart": false

Hey Dom, is this the same one @genkikondo talked about via email this week? If yes, I believe the problem was with redirecting?

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Yup, this is the same one that we talked about. The problem was that our app redirected from / to another path. Once we removed that redirect, the app launched as expected. It would be nice for this case to be handled by the app launcher (or the limitation to be documented).