Launching custom app on Amiga Brain on startup

I am looking into launching my own app on the Amiga Brain upon boot via systemd. Is there a way to prevent the built-in launcher app from running?

My current understanding is that upon reboot, everything except /mnt/managed_home is reimaged to a clean state, and various farmng services run (such as farmng-services-starter.service, which installs/starts built-in services and apps). Thus, modifying this behavior would involve modifying the image file, which I’d like to avoid. I’m wondering if there might be another way to do this.

hey @genkikondo, thank you for your message!

Before digging deeper, can you share a bit more context on what you are trying to achieve? Are you trying to launch your app automatically upon reboot?

Are you trying to launch your app automatically upon reboot?

Yes, exactly. I’ve tried “autostart”: true in manifest.json but that didn’t seem to have an effect.

I did some research and "autostart": true will start your app service automatically, but not launch it.

Would it be possible to share a general idea of what your application do? You can share it here or, if you are not comfortable sharing with the community, please use and we will follow up from there.

The app is essentially a control center / dashboard for our specific automation tasks that our Amiga will be performing. Having it launch upon startup will make it easier for operators, as they don’t need to know about the launcher nor need any of the built-in apps.

It would be great if autostart: true for UI could be supported, but it’s not critical.

I see. So you current application starts properly when clicking on the proper button in the launcher, correct? The idea here is to avoid the extra click and possible confusion for the operator, right?

If that’s the case, unfortunately, we don’t have this option available yet. We can start a feature request so our software team can add it to our roadmap. For this, let’s start with some initial questions and later we can set up a call to progress with the design, does that work?

Here are my initial questions:

  • Does your app rely on the services / devices our launcher provides? Think about gps, oak, event recorder, canbus, etc.
  • Do you want the ability to exit your app and get back to the launcher sometimes?
  • How critical is this feature for your application?

If you want to proceed, here is the link to book a call with us: Book your support call here

Yes that sounds great, thank you.

  • Does your app rely on the services / devices our launcher provides? Think about gps, oak, event recorder, canbus, etc.
    • yes
  • Do you want the ability to exit your app and get back to the launcher sometimes?
    • yes
  • How critical is this feature for your application?
    • not critical