Auto control stopped working. I would like to know where to start troubleshooting.
What package and version are you using ?
Brain: 1.3.0
Dashboard: 1.9.0, updated to 2.0.0. -
Please, describe the issues you are seeing ?
I went to test auto control; virtual joystick stopped working. The dashboard transitions from auto ready to auto active but the motors do not move. You can see I’m moving the joystick and the dashboard speed/accel meter is moving but the chassis is stationary (and the E-stop is obviously off).
(You can also see the camera is completely white, I’m unsure why; the recorder app works.)
The Amiga will move when using the pendant and the motors appear to be healthy.
Auto control was working yesterday when using the amiga-xbox-controller interface and I don’t believe anything changed. I updated the dashboard firmware to 2.0.0 but the issue persists.
I thought updating the Brain may alleviate the problem but I’m not able to retrieve any updates (it’s connected to the internet; I connected via SSH and pinged an external IP).
Is there a diagnostic utility for the Brain terminal? Is there a hardware or software utility to capture CAN bus packets (apart from just looking at the circuit on an oscope)?
Thanks in advance!