CAN IDs Decoding

I want to use another computer for doing some project with Amiga instead of using the Brain. I want to send drive commands to the base Amiga(without Brain) through canbus (Kvaser Leaf V2) using a custom python script. I just went on the bus and found these messages. Can you please decode which identifier does what operation and also what identifier is for driving the motors and which bit provides the direction and speed to the motors?

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Hello Amlan, thanks for your question and sorry for the late response. Lots of CAN questions these last days.

Unfortunately, we can’t share the codes we use for safety purposes. For more details, please refer to [this answer](Starting up with CAN communication from a Linux laptop - #2 by MScatolin-farm-ng]

Now, we want to have a product thats delivers performance and flexibility, so let’s talk about why the Brain doesn’t fit your expectations… anything in particular you are missing?

Thank you for your response.
The reason I am trying to control the chassis directly through CANBUS is, it seems that it is comparatively easier to use ROS nodes to control the motors using Canbus command mesages. Going through the brain adds up a lot of complexities. Also I didnot find a good tutorial for learning gRPC services. ROS seems to be a less complex option for designing vehicle control. Although Amiga has a ROSbridge for communicating and driving the robot using remote computer, but it only provides the velocity and steering command. For complete control we need to have more precise control and have access to the speed, RPM, etc. There seems to be no good video tutorial for how the software architecture of the brain is. Amiga is a very useful and capable platform, no doubt in that, but having full knowledge of the robot is very crucial while developing some use case and TBH the architecure of the brain seems to be very complex to me. This is the reason I wanted the CAN identifiers decoded.

Hi Amlan,

I understand there is a somewhat steep learning curve to start working with the AmigaOS, and working with something familiar like ROS would be interesting.

Unfortunately, in order to make a user friendly eco-system, we need to make choices in our development pipeline and, as of now, we only support applications using our Amiga Development Kit (ADK) and the CircuitPython libraries we in our documentation.

Perhaps if you share what is your use case, we can help or connect you with someone who had something similar?