Power Management Units (PMU) Compatible with Amiga?


I am looking for a way to measure current and voltage to various electrical systems that we plan to put on our robot. I came across this UAV CAN PMU that records voltage and current and can publish that data over a CAN bus, using UAVCAN, which looks like it would meet our needs, but does anyone know of a better/alternative way to easily collect power data?

Hey Garrett, sorry I missed this message.

We never used a tool like this, but, assuming your devices won’t be sending messages on the CAN bus, I believe this could work if some points are observed:

  • The device must be able to change BAUD to 250 kbps.
  • Need to make sure UAVCAN is compatible with CAN Open, i.e. there are no conflicting addresses.

An option case you can’t these cannot be met would be to run a separate CAN bus and a dual channel data logger.

Let me know if this answer your question.

Yes, that makes sense. Thanks!

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