Hi farm_ng support,
When I connect to the Brain over VNC, it seems to render weirdly. I have tried from two different VNC clients on two operating systems (MobaXTerm on Windows and the built-in client on MacOS), adn even on two Brains, and it renders really strangely. It’s almost like it’s rendering separate frames stacked on top of each other as per the screenshot below.
Hello George, thanks for the question.
This is a known issue that happens with some VNC viewers. Here at Farm-ng we recommend using Remina for Linux, which deals well with the different sizes and resolutions.
That said, these screen differences problems were one of the reasons we implemented the “digital twin” feature on AmigaOS2.3. You can use it going to http://your-amiga/.
The only difference is that the user in front of the robot won’t see your cursor moving (which may or may not be what you want).
Thanks Marcelo, that’s helpful! We’ll use the digital twin for now, I think.
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