OK, let’s get to the bottom of it! I’ll need some more information.
- What is the installed version on your brain under “Current” (Settings →
System Updates
)? - What is the version on your dashboard under “Dashboard firmware” (Settings →
)? - Are you getting messages in the second ROS container terminal when you run
rostopic echo /amiga/cmd_vel
? - What is the state of canbus service on the settings page? It should be yellow | IDLE | green when the ros bridge is not running, then become green | RUNNING | green once you start it, and return to yellow | IDLE | green when you stop it. If this is not happening, you should stop & restart the canbus service before starting the ROS bridge.
- Can you try the virtual joystick app and see if you can (A) stream the values as you drive the amiga manually with the pendant (B) control the wheels with the virtual joystick? The canbus service state (and the oak0 service) should have the same behavior of going from IDLE to RUNNING as described above.
– Kyle