Mounting an HDD with open permissions


We would like to use an external HDD to store data.

When plugged in, it appears at /media/adminfarmng/hdd_name. Unfortunately at this point, it seems the permissions are set so only the root user can write data to it.

We’ve tried setting the permissions with chmod but it doesn’t seem to apply.

Currently out work-around is unmounting the drive, and re-mounting using the mount command and umask=0000 which gives us the desired result. But we have to do this after every reboot.

Is there a preferred method for automatically mounting an external HDD with open permissions?


Hey Steven

Have you tried using sudo? You should be able to write on the drive using that.

Thanks for the response @MScatolin and sorry for the delayed reply.

Yep confirming we can write with sudo. Was just checking if there’s a more ‘global’ way of doing it like fstab file as there will potentially be a few different processes writing to it.

For now though sudo and/or remounting with shell script is getting us by.

Right now, we don’t, as the USB device mounts to the admin user, but we actually discussed about this and I did put in a feature request. Thanks for the suggestion!

No problems and thanks for raising a feature request. We’ll keep an eye out in the future.