Dashboard Firmware v0.3.0 released

:loudspeaker: Dashboard Firmware v0.3.0 Release

:rocket: We have released an Dashboard Firmware v0.3.0 update, the application layer of the vehicle controller interface for the Farm-ng Amiga platform.

What’s changed since v0.2.0

  • Language selection on dashboard boot (English, Spanish, & French)
  • Wireless pendant support (Kartech 3B2702C / 3B2707A pair)
  • “Soft pendant” override for driving with dashboard touchscreen
    • Useful if a pendant breaks or is faulting!
  • Support for pairing multiple H-bridge devices (linear actuators / 3 point lifts) to control them simultaneously
  • PTO (rotary actuator) fault recovery
  • Unit selection on speedometer (ft/min, mph, kph, m/s)
  • Pendant indicator on speedometer screen, with pendant help popup

Not supported workflow

This should not be something anyone experiences, but for documentation sake this is noted as an unsupported workflow.

  • Wired update to v0.3.0+ followed by over-the-air regression version of updator app v0.2.0 or earlier.

What to do

Follow the instructions at Dashboard Firmware Updates | Farm-ng Developers to update when you are ready. You can either perform an over-the-air update or a wired update.