Empty Apps in RTK Base Station Brain

  • What package and version are you using ?
    Amiga OS 2.0

  • Please, describe the issues you are seeing ?
    Our RTK base station brain does not have any GPS apps. Do we need one to set it up?

** Any possible information will make the live of the community members easy to reply and provide a solution.

Thanks in advance!

Hi Earl,

Doing some housekeeping here and noticed this thread. I believe we answered this on another channel/topic already, but for future reference:

  • You can see this is labeled as an RTK station, which means it uses an image different than the Amiga Brain.
  • The RTK images are meant to work as a base station, and, therefore, don’t have the services you are used to see in your Amiga Brain running. hence the absence of apps.
  • As both pretty much share the same hardware, we could technically change it to work as an Amiga’s Brain, but that also mean loosing your RTK base station capability.