AmigaOS v1.2.0 released

:loudspeaker: [AmigaOS v1.2.0 Release]

:rocket: We have released an AmigaOS v1.2.0 update, the operating system and development kit for the Farm-ng Amiga platform.

What’s Changed since v1.1.0

  • Implement twist api in canbus service
  • Use API for AmigaTpdo1 parsing when going to twist
  • Add ros noetic container for ROS bridge

What to do

Option 1: Use the updator app!

Option 2: If you do not have the updator app,
SSH to the Amiga as amiga on port 22 to Amiga to be upgraded. E.g.,

ssh amiga@

Update to Amiga OS v1.2.x. The curl will timeout, but the upgrade will proceed in background (on device).

curl -v

:spiral_notepad: even though the current and latest is the patch v1.2.2, it will still install with the same command